Mi-Lu was born in captivity, which is great for him as he is part of the rare species (Pere David Deer) that are now getting extinct. Sadly, his mother abandoned him because she gave birth to two baby deer. Experts say, that twin deer births are rare and the mother didn't know how to care for two babies so Mi-Lu was left alone. But, Mi-Lu found immense amount of love and great friends in the form of the two resident dogs - Kipper and Geoffery. They helped him to grow up, walk and get confident before he was put back in the herd.
This hippo and tortoise story is the cutest one I came across. Owen is the baby hippo who was rescued during the 2004 tsunami in Indian Ocean. Owen was brought to a sanctuary in Kenya but he got so scared the moment he came into the sanctuary that he ran and hid behind Mzee (a 130 year old) tortoise. Owen just acted as if he would hide behind his mother. But since that day, Owen and Mzee are the best friends who walk and feed together.